

Colored pencil drawing

Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils

A4 sized creative paper (Marpa Jansen 8 x 12")

Ref photo used with kind permission.


WOW! - Elif

Singer and songwriter from Berlin


Carl Swensen
18/08/2013 19:28

Your work is beautiful. Been following you for a while. Great job.

Wish you could do a brief tutorial on complection. That is my downfall. Just need some help.

Thanks for sharing. Always fun to see your latest.

Warm Regards,
Carl Swensen
Elgin, IL

20/08/2013 22:54
Faszinierende Arbeit. Mal wieder.

Markus Klein
04/09/2013 10:27
Many thanks Carl and Marc, for your kind comments.

@Carl, I'll try to do some tutorials in the future.

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