
Evilla D Ark

Colored pencil drawing

Faber-Castell Polychromos pencils

A4 (8 x 12") sized Hahnemühle Fineart Sketch Paper

Ref photo by Vanessa Marie

arrow_forwardSee how it was made - click here!

Pretty proud of that f****n' great drawing!!! Many thanks to the awesome and very talented Markus Klein ❤ !!! - Evilla D Ark

Tattoo model


23/02/2014 16:48
Markus Klein on Pictures come alive tour.?.?? Fantastic arts.
Will it be shown live in May?

24/02/2014 07:59
Yoh you are good indeed man I like your work

Markus Klein
08/03/2014 19:54
Thanks for your kind and supportive words, Marc and Abongile!

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